What is the Creed of Faith?
We believe in one God, God the Father the Pantocrator who created heaven and earth, and all things seen and unseen. We believe…

What is the Holy Trinity?
As the Apostolic Creed states, “We believe in one God: God the Father the Pantocrator (Almighty) who created Heaven and earth and all things seen and unseen; We believe…

What is the Holy Scripture?
We also believe that the Holy Scripture is the divinely inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). It is the story in which God reveals His love for man throughout the history of mankind. The Old Testament…

What is the Holy Tradition?
In today’s evangelism, there has developed a general trend and practice against the word and use of any “tradition.” This opinion…

Who is St. Mary?
No woman in history is more misunderstood than the Holy Virgin Mary. The Reverend Billy Graham once said, “We evangelical Christians do not give Mary her proper due.” However, Saint Mary receives her “proper due” within the Orthodox faith…

Who are the Heavenly Hosts?
When Calvin spoke about “angels,” he said, “It is also our duty cheerfully to remain in ignorance of what is not for our advantage to know”; and Barth began his discussion of angels…

What is a Saint?
The Saints are dear brothers who have struggled like us and have departed to Paradise. The Saints are dear brothers who have struggled like us and have departed to Paradise. They are not dead but are sleeping, as our Lord said…

What is an Intercession?
Our Church believes in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Angels, and the Saints…